Premio Dardos Award

After quite the dry spell, I decided to click on my lonely WordPress link and attempt a comeback, of sorts. I was pleasantly surprised by a sweet recognition from my fellow bloggy friend saya in the form of an award. She always has something lovely to say, brightening little pieces of my day. I hope you take a moment to check out her blog and leave a kind word or two and a little encouragement.

Premio Dardos Award

Premio Dardos Award

Premio Dardos means prize darts in Italian, given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing.
There are 3 rules for this award:

  1. Include the Dardos Award image.
  2. Mention the blog that nominated you.
  3. Nominate blogs and the reason you nominated them.

My three nominees from an ever-growing list of bloggers I admire are:

Considerings Lizzi never fails to make my heart smile . . . Her writing is real, unfiltered, and refreshing. She weaves words in a way that makes you wish to read more. I feel blessed to call her my friend.

A New Perspective Perhaps is filled with the tender realities of life, uplifting and a joy to read. Her words of faith and love send beautiful message to open our hearts and minds in ways we sometimes forget to do.

Behind The White Coat Each post I visit leaves me with something to ponder, a new perspective, and sometimes I learn something new. The experiences she shares are fascinating.  From the beginnings of her medical training to the triumphs and trials of being a doctor and mother, I always enjoy visiting her thoughts. 

7 thoughts on “Premio Dardos Award

  1. Pingback: Riconoscimenti dolci | Considerings

  2. I am glad you won this – your thoughts are marvellous, even while you wonder whether or not to publish them, and I appreciate the guided tour of the inside of your brain. A well deserved accolade 🙂

    And many thanks for nominating me – I will accept. I promise I will accept…I have a shameful back-log of awards to get through, and I haven’t given them the time or attention they deserve!

    Liked by 1 person

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