TToT – Ten-in-a-box ~ Things I love

Miss Lizzi was nominated to share ’10-in-a-box’ – ten things in her house which make her happy or hold some significance for her, and in turn, I was one of her nominees. Before I get to my own, I just want to say I loved the items Lizzi chose ~ I am a little in love with a certain bejeweled froggy she posted, I kind of love froggies, I have one in my 10-in-a-box as well.

As I looked around my house it was difficult to choose, there are so many things, so many memories. I found myself smiling like a goofball while getting all misty-eyed nostalgic over all the little chotchkies and favorite things I’ve collected over the years.


I’ll start with our froggy. I have no idea how old he is, he belonged to my husband’s grandparents – He remembers stuffing pennies into his mouth when he was just a little guy. When grandpa passed away, the frog became a member of our own family, (much to the dismay of many other family members) and was once again happily (he looks quite happy) storing away the pennies our children fed him with delight. He’s large and heavy and, I think, delightfully beautiful in a fun sort of way. He survived many years and many little hands, and then one day, I dropped a glass candle jar on him and shattered his frickin face. I cried. I gathered the pieces I could salvage and glued him back together as best I could. sigh


These photos of my husband and I when were we each around 2 years old. Don’t they just look like they were meant to be side by side? I have a little red ball, he has a little red race car – both of us in the unofficially required early seventies striped shirts. It makes my heart smile every time I get a glimpse of them.


Another photo – This is my favorite picture of us – My little sister and her impish smile, my beautiful mother, and of course, me.


A lovely little Underwood I found in an antique mall in Oklahoma. Some of its pieces are missing, but I fell instantly, and madly in love with it. If it was in working order I would use it every day.


This pink elephant. It’s one half of a little ceramic salt & pepper set – My mom gave it to me. When I was little, I had a pink elephant. Her name was Tina and she went everywhere with me. She was my best friend. I don’t know when she stopped being my imaginary friend, she’s still with me though, in my memories.


Books. They are everywhere in my home. On shelves, in cabinets, in piles . . . I have a large collection of antique books that live among the newer ones. I treasure every single one.


I found him at a thrift store, I love piggy banks and this one simply had to come home with me. He looks old, I can’t be certain how old, but hopefully he will live to a ripe old age in my home – as long as I don’t drop anything on his head.


When it comes to gift giving, I’m not an easy person to buy for, but, sometimes my family finds the perfect thing. These are examples of perfect things for me. I’m a little kooky, I love owls and when my son saw this bust, he knew it was just right for me. He compliments the wonderful ampersand my husband found for me, don’t you think?


This is a beautiful gift from my mother, it’s one of my favorite things. The top comes off and I can keep treasures inside, of course, the treasure is the piece itself and the memories attached to it.


This last item isn’t really an item, if we ever move I’m taking it with me though. Sheet rock is easy to cut. This precious memory is in my laundry room, right behind my washer and dryer and I see it every day. There are a couple of these little notes around my house. My mom is always with me in some way.

I’m supposed to nominate people now, but I’ve used up all my time for today – a few other things I am EXCEEDINGLY thankful for need tending to – My beautiful daughter is on her way to us right now! She is flying in for my son’s graduation ceremony tonight! I am so happy I can barely contain it! For four days I’ll have all my babies with me . . . I have so much to be thankful for.

19 thoughts on “TToT – Ten-in-a-box ~ Things I love

  1. What great pictures! I was tagged to do one of these posts, and I already know one will be of my husband and me when we were both around 2. I also have an owl that is probably going to be included. Have a wonderful time with your family at graduation.


  2. This is such a fun virtual activity. I know books would be on my list, but not sure what else. I’ll have to think about it. The oldest things, like the frog face, are the most meaningful and memorable. Enjoy your daughter’s visit.


  3. That’s a great list. I want to write on the walls for my kids to read once they grow up now. But I think that might just hit the limit button for Mr G, while we try to do up and paint the house. . .
    Lovely idea.


  4. Such beautiful things and even more beautiful memories to go with them 🙂 I especially loved the side by side pictures of you and your husband as 2yr olds! Very adorable :p


  5. Well these posts are quite fun, aren’t they? The froggy looks OK to me for having his fricking face smashed. 😀 And I definitely love the note on the drywall. I’ll bet the story of how it got there is fantastic, too.
    Have a great week!


  6. Oh my goodness, that note from your mom is wonderful! I wouldn’t blame you one bit for taking it with you whenever you move.
    What a great story behind the frog. I can’t even tell that he’s been put back together.
    Have a marvelous time with all of your kids! Every mom’s dream, to be surrounded by all of her children.


  7. I love the note from your mom! It’s beautiful and absolutely should go with you if you move. Wish I had something similar. I’d never part with it. 🙂 I also love the owl and ampersand. And that old typewriter. Beautiful. All your thankfuls are wonderful. I greatly enjoyed seeing what you shared. 🙂


  8. omg sorry but I laughed out loud when you said you broke his fickin face! He doesnt look any worse for wear! I would be all goofy going from thing to thing as well.


  9. Your happiness is beautiful and contagious – I’m smiling.

    I hope you have a glorious weekend with all your children surrounding you. I love that you have notes on your walls from your mom, and I ADORE your froggy, and well done for doing your best to rescue it.


  10. I love love love the little note on your drywall. I would cut it out and take it with me too! I really like the way your antique typewriter looks on top of that book – it’s like a little scene that just works.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This is great… If you nominate me, it will take me at least a month to respond. Movers bring our household goods Monday. It will take me that long to find everything and determine only 10 favorites.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Moving joys . . . It was fun looking around and thinking about what the things in my home really mean to me – How about this, you’re nominated and as you unpack, the first ten things that make you smile or stir up a memory, you snap a photo of and share 🙂 Good luck, I hope your unpacking and setting up a new home goes well . . .


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