A Mother’s Day Funny that keeps on giving! Blogging confuses me sometimes.

All for the love of MOM

All for the love of MOM



Over 25,000 visitors in the last 2 days – 2 new followers and a handful of likes . . . Hmmm.

Screenshot of my stats as of this morning . . . I’m sharing this because it’s super cool, YET, kind of a frustrating bit of disappointment too. I posted one of my all-time-favorite-videos I may have peed  little the first time I watched this  as an early Mother’s day share, it’s had, as you can see, tons of views and it’s had tons of Facebook shares – which is awesome – BUT, I hate when there is a BUT – each time someone clicks it, the video plays, laughter ensues, and it gets shared.

Like I said – Awesome. So my funny, favorite video plays, my hits show a spike, and here is the BUT – no one who clicks on it actually lands on my blog. Now, my blog isn’t the biggest and the best, but a few people dig it, so I would like to think at least some of the thousands of people who clicked on the video might have checked it out and maybe liked it too, enough to follow, you know how it goes.


I’ve had no such influx of new readers, just a cool burst in my stats nobody else can see. sigh

No matter though . . . really, the whole point was to make some mommas laugh and wish them a Happy Mother’s day, so for that I am positively giddy! It is serving it’s purpose quite well.

Hugs and Mother’s Day love to all!!!!

3 thoughts on “A Mother’s Day Funny that keeps on giving! Blogging confuses me sometimes.

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