Help and Hope While You’re Healing by Christine Carter – review



click here –> Help and Hope While You’re Healing  <– click here

Reading this book, I felt like I was sitting with a kind, compassionate, wise friend. Christine Carter’s words wrapped round me like a gentle hug. I wish I’d had this book years ago. It’s filled with understanding, wisdom, practical, and hard learned advice perfectly laid out, easy to read, and easy to implement.

She shares her personal experiences with pain and healing, and while my own battles with injuries and illness were and are quite different, I felt like she knew just what I have been through, what I am going through.

The message is simple, you are going to get through this. It isn’t going to be easy, but you will get through it. She reminded me I was human and it was okay to feel everything I feel. She told me it was not only okay, but essential to ask for and be willing to receive help. She even provided me with instructions and lists and gave me a way to organize and prepare when illness or injury strikes again.

Faith and hope and understanding fill the pages. I found myself smiling, nodding along in agreement, wondering why I didn’t think of that! I needed this book. About ten years ago, I was in a terrible auto accident, it altered so much of my life. While I can’t and won’t dwell on what happened, the physical and sometimes emotional toll it took remains.

I fight a daily fight with chronic illness, diabetes and fibromyalgia. Help and Hope While You’re Healing has become my battle buddy. This book isn’t just for those in the midst of healing, it’s for everyone. It should be on your bookshelf, if you or a loved comes to need them, her words will be there waiting like a loyal friend, ready and willing to reach out and help. I can’t think of a better gift to give to someone.

Christine Carter has given a piece of herself to the reader, her truths, her compassion, her empathy, her knowledge, her humor, her faith. She shares the honest truth and shines a ray of hope on what can be a very dark time.

The other day, I woke up in pain, and quite honestly, I was feeling sorry for myself, something I try so hard not to do, and I thought of this book. I decided to give it another read. I gathered my morning necessities – coffee, computer, meds, insulin, and of course, Help and Hope While You’re Healing and set off to settle on the porch for a while. I stopped and looked at all of it, that book sitting there among the very things that so often remind me of my limitations, changed the way I saw them . . .


To read more of Christine Carter’s inspirational writings, visit her website, The Mom Cafe 

2 thoughts on “Help and Hope While You’re Healing by Christine Carter – review

  1. I love Chris and I can only imagine how wonderful it must be to have her voice beside you in difficult times, kept all safe in a book for you to get whenever you want it. I love that you feel this book is like a ‘battle buddy’. I look forward to reading mine in a couple of weeks when I’m recovering from surgery 🙂


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