Wilson Wisdom – Autism Awareness

img_0770My son made me smile this week, something he does regularly, but this smile – this one is still in my heart. I’m filled to bursting with this smile because he took a huge step, he summoned his courage and he faced the unknown to do something he’s been talking about doing for a some time now.

My son is my hero, I’ll tell you that about him first. In his 27 years, he has taught me more than I could have ever dreamed while I was busy teaching him. His name is Wilson. I knew almost right away he was something special, it took nine years for that something special to be diagnosed, autism.

Our journey together has been amazing.

As he grew older, he began to develop phenomenal insights about autism. His desire to share those insights with others grew into a passion for spreading autism awareness. One of the ways he did this was to create a Cafepress store called Wilson Wisdom. I was an admin for a large online autism group, and he regularly dictated things for me to share with them, he answered questions the members asked, and truly helped so many peek into the world of autism.

The last few years, he’s been making autism awareness posts on Facebook, this week, he decided to make his first video, and I simply cannot stop smiling. I have a feeling once he gets used to it, he is going to do just what he told me he would do when he was younger, change the world one person at a time.

Sharing this smile today for The Weekly Smile at Trent’s World (the blog) 

Wilson Wisdom for Autism Awareness

I am so proud of my son, it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like this and I hope he continues to do so . . . He has amazing insights and so much Wilson Wisdom to share.

Doing autism awareness videos is something he’s thought of for some time now, I had no ide he was going to take such a monumental step like this, I am overwhelmed, and as always, so very proud of him.

Please remember he is speaking from his own experiences and sharing what he has learned, and is in the process of learning, throughout his life. He understands everyone with autism is unique, and while he may sometimes say ‘all’, he is speaking about things that are very often common among autistics.

Your comments and encouragement are appreciated 😊

12 thoughts on “Wilson Wisdom – Autism Awareness

  1. Such a wonderful thing – to share and help others. I totally understand your pride. Go mama! My daughters have dyslexia and she also wants to advocate and help others that struggle like she has. What an amazing young man you have raised. Congratulations!


  2. He sounds very special and insightful. Alas, the video is not showing here now. That space shows a message from FB: “This Facebook post is no longer available. It may have been removed or the privacy settings of the post may have changed.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a special little boy you have there! My 9yo has some OCD, anxiety and clinical depression symptoms related to the former and she teaches me everyday. The road isn’t easy, but each day they teach us about who they are and what they need. I love that your boy wants to raise awareness for autism 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I read your Facebook comment first 🙂 They truly are always our babies ❤️ I have two on the spectrum, the younger of the two, he is 24 now, is bipolar as well. It isn’t easy, but when you see them overcome and grow and learn how to manage themselves, it is awe inspiring!


    • Thank you, Kristi 💕 They are amazing blessings . . . I have two on the spectrum, Matthew is 24, he has a diagnosis of bipolar as well. I doubt he will ever get in front of the camera, he has an aversion to pictures being taken of him, these boys (men now) really are my heroes 😊


  4. I couldn’t see the video, I think it’s marked private, but it is great that your son made it and is doing to whole awareness thing. A friend of mine lost her youngest son a few years ago. He was severely autistic and out of the blue jumped into a raging stream. From the little I’ve seen it is a very difficult thing for people not involved with it to understand, so having your son reach across the divide to show people what it means is great! Great smile 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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